Arrow/Schweber offers an unsurpassed portfolio of value-added solutions for a fast economical response to all your programming needs.
We have the flexibility to deliver programmed components in either engineering quantities or large production volumes, and we support leading edge technologies and semiconductor package types.
Some of our programming services include:
- Complete serialization
- AC and DC parametric and functional testing
- Marking services including: label, laser, and ink
- Customer Specific bar code formats
- Tape-and-Reel Transfer
- Single Operation Programming and Marking Services:
- Tube to Tube
- Tray to Tray
- Tube or Tray to Tape-and-Reel
We make the capital commitment for our customers and continually invest in leading edge technology.
Our programming equipment includes the following:
- BP Microsystems programmers/handlers
- Data I/0 ProMaster equipment
- Exatron auto handlers
- Markem and Autotech marking machines
- Bradywriter labelers
- V-TEK, Advantek, and Data I/0 tape-and-reel equipment
- Logue McDonald automated test equipment
Arrow/Schweber has four primary ISO 9002-certified Programming Centers that are networked together to handle each of our customer's capacity needs. Located in Sparks, Nevada; Brookhaven, New York; San Jose, Califomia; and Wilmington, Massachusetts, each center conforms to world-class standards and is environmentally controlled to prevent electrostatic discharge (ESD): Our centers are capable of customizing more than ten million devices monthly.
Our programming value-added service is built on a complete understanding of our customers' needs. Arrow/Schweber has the industry's only technically certified sales representatives who are specially trained in the latest programming technology. In addition our Field Application Engineers (FAEs) are available to offer their technical knowledge in areas of design and development. |